I’m Wendy Flaherty – Welcome to my virtual home, a place where we create community together as we gather to celebrate, mourn, question, pray, and connect with the mysteries of the Divine.  I hope you will kick off your shoes and make yourself comfortable here.

In this space we explore together our spirituality, our embodied experience, our healing journey, and our innate wholeness.  Many of us are exhausted from years of pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps and powering through our lives, mostly on our own.  Western culture glorifies the individual and teaches us to focus solely on ourselves.  And there is some truth in this.  Each of us has a unique Soul, a unique journey, and a unique connection to the Divine.  Only you can know what is right and good for you.

But by placing human achievement at the pinnacle of some fictional hierarchy we have lost the intricate connections we were created for – our connections to others, to nature, to our ancestors, to our ecology, and to all the older and wiser inhabitants of this beautiful planet.  We no longer know where we belong, or to Whom we belong.

We need to find our way back to our proper place, our place within the Web of Life.

There is much to unlearn.  There is much to heal.  There are ancestors who need to make amends to us, and ancestors to whom we need to make amends.  There are subtle energetic threads that need to be rewoven between us and the trees, the stones, the dirt, the stars, the fish, the deer, –  to All-That-Is.

It is a journey that happens slowly, day by day, step by step, prayer by prayer.  It is a journey we are all on together.

So what will you find here? Free Zoom circles where we can meet together, including earth-based ceremonies which follow the seasons.  Blog posts on a random schedule.  Occasional for-fee workshops. And a place where you can schedule time to meet one-on-one with me.  Also links to resources from authors, products and practitioners I recommend because I know them personally and because their work has helped me.

If you join my Facebook group you will find prayers, conversation, events and a monthly journey focusing on different spiritual qualities or questions.  Or if social media is not your thing subscribe to my newsletter for monthly-ish updates.

I wish you simplicity.  I wish you joy.  I wish you a deeply-felt knowing that you matter, because you do.  I wish you connection with the right people, and that you find your voice and the gifts that are yours to share.  I wish you peace.

Questions?  Email me at wendy@wendyflaherty.com